Classical general relativity (GRT) – well proven and also incomplete

Klassische Allgemeine Relativitätstheorie – gut bestätigt, aber unvollständig


This website has two aims:

1.) Provide evidence of incompleteness of classical GRT. Two pages suffice. See GRT - well proven and also incomplete?“ or in German „Ist die Klassische Allgemeine Relativitätstheorie unvollständig?“. Later, refined versions you will find in: Talks_Brandes_since_2014

2.) Provide evidence that these considerations become slandered. See Einwand-Diffamierung-2012 as well as Further_Counterarguments_since_2013.

Since 2016 there are two additional aims:

3.) Presentation of a review by Dr. habil. Ludwig Neidhart being helpful for your decision of whether my website has enough scientific background:



4.) More about our book and additional ideas.

German edition, 2022: J. Brandes, J. Czerniawski, L. Neidhart: Spezielle und Allgemeine Relativitätstheorie für Physiker und Philosophen - Einstein- und Lorentz-Interpretation, Paradoxien, Raum und Zeit, Experimente, 2022 Karlsbad: VRI, 5. erweiterte Auflage, 394 Seiten, über 100 Abbil­dungen, ISBN 978-3-930879-10-6. Näheres oder

English translation, 2023: J. Brandes, J. Czerniawski, L. Neidhart: Special and General Theory of Relativity for physicists and philosophers - Einstein and Lorentz Interpretation, Paradoxes, Space and Time, Experiments, 2023 Karlsbad, Germany: VRI, Translation of the 5th German edition. ISBN 978-3-930879-14-4. More oder


Since the first publication of our book several additional ideas different from 1.) arose. They also became part of Talks_Brandes_since_2014. The latest ones you find in:


Talk-DPG-2024-Abstract.pdf and Talk-DPG-2023-Questionable predictions of SgrA.pdf: The observational proof of Sgr A* being not a black hole.

DPG-2025-What was before the Big Bang.pdf


Some additional information: This website prefers Lorentz interpretation of SRT and GRT. Certainly, there is no difference with the experimental results of classical GRT including gravitational waves but the great exception: Lorentz interpretation of GRT predicts that there are no black holes in the galactic centers. Excitingly, this is going to be tested by the Event-Horizon-Telescope collaboration with first results since April 2019. The main result – image of Sgr A* – was released at 12.5.2022 and becomes discussed: see 4.) above.
The Nobel Prize in Physics 2020 to Reinhard Genzel and Andrea Ghez "for the discovery of a supermassive compact object at the centre of our galaxy" is fully satisfied by LI of GRT - as it should.



Classical GRT, Lorentz interpretation of GRT (LI of GRT)

Klassische Allgemeine Relativitätstheorie, Lorentz-Interpretation der Allgemeinen Relativitätstheorie


Table of content:

Talk 2012:  „Ist die Klassische Allgemeine Relativitätstheorie unvollständig?“

Talk 2013: „GRT - well proven and also incomplete?”

Talks about LI of GRT since 2014: Talks_Brandes_since_2014

Slandering LI of GRT, counterarguments 2012: Einwand-Diffamierung-2012

Slandering LI of GRT, counterarguments since 2013: Further_Counterarguments_since_2013


Kontakt, Impressum

Jürgen Brandes, Dipl.-Phys.                                                                               erstellt:     27.4.2013

Danziger Str. 65                                                                                                 geändert:     1.1.2025

76307 Karlsbad

E-Mail: jg-brandes(at)